HS2 Schedule 17 application for Culworth and Edgcote

HS2 have recently submitted a Schedule 17 application for the approval of plans and specifications between Culworth and Edgcote.
The application details works to form the railway between these two locations, and taken from their application, specifically includes “Package 5 - Works to form the hs2 railway between Culworth Grounds and Edgcote, - inc. Edgcote North Embankment, Edgcote Viaduct, Edgcote South Embankment, Culworth Cutting, Culworth Embankment, Lower Thorpe North Cutting (Part of), Bridleway AG10 Accommodation Overbridge, Bridleway AG9 Overbridge, Osierbed Spinney Culvert and Hill Farm Box Culvert, the location of Vehicle Restraint Barriers and permanent security fencing; also, Earthworks required for the diversion of PRoWs AE5 and AG10, for the Danes Moors Auto Transformation Station (ATS) Compound, to create five access tracks, for Edgcote North Embankment Pond Access, Culworth Cutting Access, Edgcote South Embankment Pond Access, Danes Moors Auto Transformer Station (ATS) Access, Bridleway AG10 diversion Accommodation Overbridge Access, and Watercourse Diversions for the River Cherwell and a tributary to the Culworth Stream, and to form six Drainage Ponds and associated Drainage Ditches.”
Further information on the application and to comment on it can be accessed here: https://snc.planning-register.co.uk/Planning/Display/WNS/2022/0937/HS2?cuuid=47385137-32C1-4231-B17C-081E88211E82