HS2 Update for Radstone, Boddington and Chipping Warden

As part of their continued work on ecological surveys, the following roads will be closed for mitigation work:
Whitfield Road, Radstone – 23rd August-27 August between 9.30am-3.30pm. The road will be open outside of these hours.
Claydon Road, Boddington – 12 and 13th August, a full road closure between 9.30am-3.30pm
In Chipping Warden, from the 4th August, the 50mph speed limit will be reinstated with traffic monitoring taking place for 7 days from the 9th August. This is in response to a Road Safety Audit recommending a removal of the 30mph limit. HS2 have advised me and residents that following the results of this traffic survey, they will further investigate any future works that may resolve the ongoing issues in the area.
As your MP, I am committed to representing your views and concerns about HS2. If you are experiencing a particular problem please email me on andrea.leadsom.mp@parliament.uk.