Update on the Farthinghoe Bypass

Following my recent meeting with West Northamptonshire Council about the Farthinghoe Bypass, I have received an update on three key points – further clarification on the Benefit Cost Ratio, on traffic calming measures and on developer funding.
WNC’s response can be seen in full below and is followed by my comments.
Benefit Cost Ratio: I remain concerned about the assumptions that were used in the modelling to reach the ratio of 0.7. Specifically, the short average time saving, the traffic growth of 1% per annum which does not seem to take into account the increasing numbers of HGVs and the omission of overnight and weekend journey time savings that are not included in the assessment.
Business Case: I am disappointed that West Northamptonshire Council are retreating on their commitment to prepare the full business case. It seems as if we are in a ‘chicken and egg’ scenario, whereby the local authority will not provide the money to write a detailed business case until they are confident that funding for the bypass is secured, and the Department for Transport won’t be able to consider funding until the business case is in place.
Alternative traffic calming solutions: I am concerned that the proposed solution of traffic signals doesn’t take into account the impact on air quality of 17-20 queuing vehicles such HGVs on residents and school children. Additionally, road safety, particularly around the location of Farthinghoe Primary School has not been addressed.
On the subject of a weight limit, the local authority do not believe that this would have benefits for Farthinghoe and say the idea does not have the support of National Highways. I do not agree - I am supporting Farthinghoe residents in their preference for a weight restriction. Early on in the campaign for the bypass, I wrote a few years ago to logistics companies asking them to use the M40 J10, together with the A43 for their journeys. The A422 has been for too long a ‘rat run’ for HGVs and a weight restriction could help alleviate congestion. I will be pressing West Northamptonshire Council to reconsider this option.
Developer funding for the bypass: West Northamptonshire Council will not be using any Section 106 money from the big warehousing and housing developments in Banbury or Brackley to contribute to the coat of funding the bypass. This is extremely disappointing, and I will challenge this decision.
I will be meeting soon with the Roads Minister, Baroness Vere to raise these concerns and see what the Department for Transport can do to expedite this situation. I will continue to support residents in their campaign for this vital project for Farthinghoe.