Visit to Hackleton CEVA Primary School

Last week I visited Hackleton School and met Mrs Hunter the Head Teacher who introduced me to pupils James and Amelie who gave me a guided tour of the school. They were excellent guides able to explain precisely what topics each class is studying. Very impressive!
Class 4 demonstrated that they understood clearly the role of an MP and I was delighted to hear that they had all entered my Christmas card competition this year. I joined class 6 for an enthusiastic question and answer session which included what subjects I studied at school, what did I want to change when I became an MP, was being an MP my dream job, what was the biggest challenge I have had to sort out, what is a day like in the House of Commons, why do MPs keep standing up and down in the Chamber, has there been an occasion when I could not make a decision and so many more questions! I was also really pleased to receive a portrait of me that Siyona had drawn whilst I was there – thank you!