Update from SEGRO on the Northampton Gateway site

SEGRO have provided an update on the progress of the rail infrastructure works on the Northampton Gateway site. Network Rail have said that they are unable to make a rail connection to the site and also the necessary work required to the West Coast Main Line connection before January 2024 at the earliest, but this cannot be confirmed.
SEGRO has a requirement in their DCO that states that no warehousing can be occupied until the rail terminal is connected to the mainline and available for use. They currently have interest from a potential occupier and in their view, the uncertainty of the rail connection is creating constraints in their ability to progress arrangements and deliver the warehousing within the terms of their DCO.
In light of this development, SEGRO have confirmed to me that they are seeking an amendment to their DCO to enable a certain level of occupation of the site before Network Rail delivers the rail connections. They will shortly be submitting an application for this non-material change. As part of their application, I understand that they have consulted with all Parish Councils and other relevant stakeholders.
If you have any questions that you would like me to directly raise with SEGRO in light of their application then please email me on andrea.leadsom.mp@parliament.uk