The A5 through Towcester is one of the most heavily congested, polluted and dangerous roads. I hear with increasing frequency from constituents about the problems they experience using this road, and many of you will be aware that since I was elected I have campaigned consistently for improvements.
Whilst I am pleased that progress on the construction of the Towcester Relief Road will help to alleviate some of these problems, further action is needed.
In autumn last year, following a number of meetings I held with them and National Highways, the Department for Transport announced that it would be launching a consultation about improvement work on the A5 in Towcester. The consultation is now open, and National Highways are inviting constituents to view their proposals and share their thoughts.
The main objectives are:
to improve safety for all
to reduce the impact of air and noise pollution on surrounding environments and habitats
to increase the number of trips made in Towcester by walking and cycling
to help boost the local economy through increased trade and footfall
to make Towcester’s high street an attractive place to visit
to improve accessibility to Towcester town centre for everyone
to preserve Towcester’s rich history and identity
This proposed scheme aims to encourage through traffic, and in particular goods vehicles, to use the new link road and the A43 as an alternative to the A5. This will alleviate some of the more disruptive traffic from the town centre, improving accessibility and quality of life in Towcester.
Documents and maps can be accessed here.
In addition, National Highways are holding a series of in person and online events. Further information can be found here.
If you are a resident, business or frequent visitor to Towcester then I strongly encourage you to submit your thoughts by the deadline of Sunday 11th September.