HS2 noise mitigation secured for Radstone

Securing proper noise mitigation and protection for residents affected by HS2 is one of my top priorities. After significant and prolonged discussions with HS2, I am pleased to confirm that the residents of Radstone will be protected from the railway with a 5m noise barrier. It will not be visible to residents in the village and will sit behind a bund that will be constructed between the railway and Radstone.
HS2 will be able to lower the track alignment by 0.53m and raise the bund by 1m, as well as providing additional plant screening. Due to the discovery of a culvert that runs under the line, HS2 cannot lower the line any lower. They are therefore raising the bund by a further 1m, increasing its height by 2m in total to compensate for the limits on lowering the track.
I am pleased that HS2 have finally committed to the original assurances they made during the Hybrid Bill Select Committee in 2015. As ever, I will continue to stand up for constituents who are affected by HS2 and ensure that they receive the proper compensation and mitigation for a project that will bring little benefits to the people of South Northamptonshire.