Andrea Leadsoms Celebrates Return of Job Club

Job Club is back!
This is a project very close to my heart - I set up the Job Club (with my mum!) in Towcester and Brackley in 2009, helping those who had lost their jobs in the aftermath of the financial crisis. When I was elected as an MP in 2010, the council took over the initiative and now they are relaunching it.
The Job Club will bring together the Department for Work and Pensions, Job Centre Plus, local businesses and residents for job searching, CV training, money advice and more. You can find it at Towcester Library between 1pm and 3pm in the Watermeadows Room on the following dates:
11 October (next Wednesday)
8 November
13 December
10 January 2024
14 February 2024
If you are looking for a job or thinking about a change in career, do get down there on Wednesday!