Dame Andrea Leadsom

In Parliament

As the Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire, my main role is to represent the views, priorities and concerns of my constituents in the House of Commons and in conversations with Ministers and others.

You can see my latest contributions in Parliament here:

Minister for public health, start for life and primary care

I currently serve as the Minister for Public Health, Start for Life and Primary Care. In this role, I have responsibility for government policy over areas such as GPs, dentists, pharmacists and babies.

I previously served as the Government’s Early Years Healthy Development Adviser, and chaired the Start for Life Unit in the Department for Health and Social Care. In that role, I worked to implement a set of policies which will be truly transformational for the development and life chances of future generations. You can read more about my work, and the long running campaign I have been involved with on the 1,001 Critical Days here.

Previous Work

Since first being elected to Parliament in 2010, I have worked on a number of campaigns and also served in several government roles. You can read more about that work here.