Road Investment in South Northamptonshire

My colleague Andrew Jones MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, last week confirmed that there would be further capital funding available for our local roads in South Northamptonshire, above and beyond the money that has already been allocated to our local highways authority for maintenance in 2017/18.
It’s great to hear that for 2017/18 we’ve been given £1.17m from the pothole action fund to fix some of the problems that local residents make me aware of, along with a further £2.91m from the national productivity investment fund. Of course, if anyone is aware of a particularly troublesome pothole then I would encourage you to report it to Northamptonshire Highways via their Street Doctor tool.
I regularly meet with Cllr Ian Morris, Northamptonshire County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Environment to discuss a range of road issues in South Northamptonshire. In addition to mitigating HS2’s construction traffic impacts through those parts of South Northants affected, we’re working hard to facilitate the early delivery of the Towcester Relief Road with Cllr Ian McCord, Leader of South Northamptonshire District Council, and the support of the Towcester Bypass Action Group.
Cllr Morris and I are working together to ensure that highways maintenance is always a priority in our area, and we are very pleased to have received this additional cash from the Government. In South Northamptonshire we continue to focus on innovative ways of maintaining and improving the roads, while maximising value for money.
You can find a copy of Andrew’s letter to me here and a copy of the Department for Transport’s roads funding information pack here.