Visit to LEAP

One of the highlights of my role as the government’s Early Years Advisor is visiting many early years settings across the country.
Last week I visited LEAP (Lambeth Early Action Partnership,) to discuss their plans for the Start for Life programme implementation, and how the LEAP programme has supported families since the programme started in 2015. I had a great chat with Laura Macfarlane, Director, and her colleagues - Sophie Woodhead, Tanya Spence, Laura Griffin, Claire Hudson and local midwife Rachel Smith. We discussed the aims of the government’s Vision for the Best Start for Life and the excellent work of LEAP.
The highlight of the visit was joining the ‘stay and play session’ for parents, carers, babies and toddlers! There were lots of happy little ones and a whole load of messy play going on! Chatting to parents about the services and support that are on offer was really interesting - it was clear that it's a real boost to their family life to have this welcoming hub nearby.
I first visited LEAP in January 2019 during work on my inter-ministerial group on early years, and it was a real joy to return and see the great progress that is being made to help every baby to get the best start for life.