Dame Andrea Leadsom

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Department for Transport reply to Towcester Relief Road letter

Following my recent meeting with Baroness Vere, National Highways, Persimmon and West Northamptonshire Council I have now received the following response from the Department for Transport to my request for written confirmation of their support for the Towcester Relief Road.  

Baroness Vere confirms National Highways’ commitment to a solution that will help to alleviate the traffic and air quality problems in Towcester, and they will specifically be supporting:

  • The installation of signs to direct North-South traffic via the new road as well as a complementary programme of traffic calming measures on Towcester High Street to make it less attractive as a through route;

  • The range of traffic calming measures will be developed further subject to consultation with the local community and approval by West Northamptonshire Council;

  • National Highways will develop a range of safety improvements to the new road to facilitate increased HGV flows. This will involve changing the road layout at the three intermediate roundabouts and these improvements will be undertaken within the current planning consent and should have little impact on the current schedule

Funding for these enhancements and improvements will be provided by National Highways. 

I was disappointed to receive this response from the Department for Transport only yesterday, bearing in mind the letter appears to have been dated 17 September. 

I am also concerned with the Department’s comments on weight restrictions and HGV movements - I have challenged the assertion about the number of HGVs wanting to come into Towcester for deliveries.  During my meeting with the Minister, it was made clear that weight restrictions are possible on sections of A roads that have particular sensitivities - I recall National Highways agreeing that this is possible and has happened in other locations.  I have asked the DfT to look again at the number of HGVs wanting to deliver in Towcester, and to consider alternative routes for what I believe to be relatively small numbers of HGVs needing to come into the town.

I will continue to work with all stakeholders to deliver the construction of the relief road by their target date of 2023.