Visit to EKA Limited

Thank you so much to the excellent team at EKA Limited for showing me around their Towcester premises and for making me feel so welcome.
It was fascinating to hear about the work that EKA do with the Ministry of Defence, supplying military recovery and logistics support. Their highly experienced Directors explained to me the different situations and military operations that their services support, making it clear how important their kit can be. For example, when a tank becomes immobile, as the result of an IED explosion, the winch systems that EKA can supply will pull the tank to safety.
The management team are concerned that it should be easier for businesses, like EKA, to supply their services to the Government. They had interesting insights on government procurement processes, and I agreed to investigate on their behalf what more can be done to simplify the system. I was pleased to hear that Brexit and Covid lockdowns have had very little impact on the speed and efficiency of the supply chain.
Whilst walking around their warehouse, I was impressed by the size of the recovery vehicles. It put into perspective the grand scale of recovery operations taking place in the military. I am proud to see such invaluable work taking place in the constituency.
With Mick Keech, EKA