Update on DHL planning application

Many constituents have been in contact with me to raise their concerns about the application from DHL for warehousing close to Towcester. You will be aware from previous updates on my website that I share the concerns of the local community about this application, as well as other planning applications that expose this historic and much loved area to insensitive overdevelopment.
I have written to the CEO of West Northamptonshire Council, Anna Earnshaw, on many occasions to make the views of my constituents known. She has confirmed that the council is putting together supplementary planning guidance to ensure that all new development approved by WNC is appropriate for our area.
Following an update from Stuart Timmiss, Planning, and Cllr Jonathan Nunn, Leader of WNC, earlier this month, they have confirmed that consultants have been appointed to create the supplementary planning guidance. There is a statutory requirement for a six week consultation with the public, and it is anticipated that this new guidance will be completed and adopted by West Northamptonshire Council before any major planning proposals are considered by the strategic planning committee.
Supplementary Planning Guidance provides much greater detail on what entails appropriate development, including with regard to height and type of building, traffic movements and type of employment. I hope that this brings some reassurance to constituents and I will continue to provide updates as I receive them.