Andrea Leadsom Updates Residents on Greatworth T

I have received many emails from residents over the last few days on the closure of the road between Greatworth and Sulgrave. HS2 closed this road in August last year to build a T-junction, known as the Greatworth T.
Depsite promises to the contrary, this road remains shut. HS2 have now admitted that they have been at fault - they failed to submit some paperwork in time with WNC in order to legally open the road when initially promised. I have made my, and residents', massive disappointment at this well known.
HS2 now tell me that they have a self-imposed deadline of 28th February to get the paperwork into WNC. Once this work is in, I know that WNC are ready to work at pace to get all the necessary approvals completed so that the road is open as soon as possible.
I will continue to closely scrutinise HS2 in the run up to this deadline, to ensure that they stick to their date. I will update residents as soon as I have more to share.