Andrea Leadsom Shares Update on A5 / A43 Roundabout Developments

I am pleased that, following both my own objections and the many objections of residents, National Highways has paused the AL developments on the A5 / A43 Roundabout. You can find a quote from them below:
"Based on consideration of feedback from stakeholders and other interested parties, concern has focused on the impact of the proposed developments will have upon the safe and efficient operation of the A5 / A43 Tove signalised roundabout junction. We have therefore concluded that all applications which have an impact upon the junction need to undertake a cumulative impact sensitivity test to demonstrate that their element can be accommodated safety on the SRN within consideration with the other development sites. All development sites with impacts upon the junction will therefore maintained on a holding response until these assessments are completed."
I welcome this decision, particularly the recognition that these inappropriate developments have a negative effect on a road network that is already overused. I will continue to work with residents and local stakeholders to oppose these developments.