Andrea Leadsom Makes Further Statement on Southfield Primary School

Following my post about Southfield Primary School yesterday, I’ve been asked by a few parents to provide more information/correspondence from the past two years.
I first wrote to the DfE in December 2021, following a visit to my advice surgery by the Headteacher, Mr Green. I asked the Minister to consider carefully the issues Mr Green had raised with me, namely the change in leadership, efforts by staff to turn the school around, and the need for financial support.
Following this, I discussed with Councillor Fiona Baker, WNC Cabinet Member for Children, Familes and Education, the improvement plan that the Council, school leaders and the Multi Academy Trust were putting in place to turn the school around.
In December 2022, I wrote to the Secretary of State in support of these plans.
In early 2023, I discussed the plans again with the Council, school leaders, MAT and DfE.
In August, I met with Baroness Barran, Minister for the School System, where she informed me that the school would be closing.
You can find a link here to the correspondence between myself and the Government which I hope provide some useful background prior to the public meeting I will be attending in Brackley tomorrow.
I know that this is very unwelcome news for many Brackley families and staff of the school, and I am keen to help in any way I can.