Presentation of Bus Petition in Parliament

Today I presented a petition on behalf of my constituents opposing cuts to rural bus routes.
Residents in Brafield-on-the-Green, Denton, Yardley Hastings, Cogenhoe, Castle Ashby, Grendon, Wollaston, and Piddington are affected by changes to the Stagecoach 41 route, which provides a vital service for local conveniences. Over 160 local residents have signed the petition calling for further support for rural bus routes.
Bus services are a lifeline for my constituents, particularly those that live in rural areas and are unable to drive or walk. A reduction in this service will severely curb independence for those that want to use the service, and along with the petitioners, I am requesting that the government allocate further support for rural bus routes and to safeguard against any future reductions in services that keep our communities connected.