2021 End of Year Update

Being your MP is a huge privilege and I wish you all a happy Christmas and a successful and healthy 2022!
As we mark the final days of 2021, many of us will again be having a quiet Christmas this year. The continued vaccine and booster rollout brings continued hope in our collective efforts against COVID. If you have yet to receive a booster jab then please do so.
As our economy and society opened back up, our local community continued to pull together, ensuring that vulnerable individuals continued to have food and medication and weren't lonely, as well as supporting our front-line key workers. I continue to be thankful to volunteers across South Northamptonshire who go above and beyond, and it has been fantastic to meet so many of you during the year.
Clockwise from top right: Kickstart Jobs Fair, visiting EKA Limited, visiting Lunaz, visiting Chacombe Primary School, HS2 Minister Andrew Stephenson MP meets with Radstone residents affected by HS2, visiting local businesses in Brackley with Cllr Fiona Baker.
When lockdown restrictions were lifted earlier this year I was so pleased to once again be able to meet constituents, residents and businesses face-to-face.
With my Senior Caseworker, Sarah at our first face-to-face surgery!
Clockwise from top right: Campaigning in Wootton, meeting with Upton residents, visiting Wharf Distillery, visiting Medicom, visiting the Tove Valley Centre, visiting the Digital Manufacturing Centre at Silverstone
And a big thank you to my team- Luke, Laura, Maggie, Sarah, Olivia and Harry who have all worked so hard all year!
The pandemic hasn't stopped progress on my South Northamptonshire Manifesto:
Farthinghoe Bypass: I continue to press West Northamptonshire Council for progress on the bypass. West Northamptonshire Council will be looking at the introduction of mitigation measures that can help alleviate ongoing traffic concerns in the meantime.
Towcester Relief Road: I have been in regular contact with the developer and visited the site to see the work that is progressing with its construction. The Relief Road will help to cut congestion and improve air quality through Towcester, and I continue to press Persimmon and National Highways, with support from West Northamptonshire Council, to push this project forward and speed up approvals for the A5 and A43 roundabouts.
Following meetings with the Department for Transport, I was pleased that they will help to alleviate the traffic and air quality problems in Towcester, and they will specifically be supporting:
The installation of signs to direct North-South traffic via the new road as well as a complementary programme of traffic calming measures on Towcester High Street to make it less attractive as a through route;
The range of traffic calming measures will be developed further subject to consultation with the local community and approval by West Northamptonshire Council;
National Highways will develop a range of safety improvements to the new road to facilitate increased HGV flows. This will involve changing the road layout at the three intermediate roundabouts and these improvements will be undertaken within the current planning consent and should have little impact on the current schedule. Funding for these enhancements and improvements will be provided by National Highways.
HS2: Throughout this year I have met virtually with the HS2 Minister to discuss, (and I’m glad to say in some cases, resolve) the ongoing concerns of residents around scrutiny, disruption and compensation. Following the lifting of lockdown restrictions, the Minister visited villages and constituents affected by HS2's line of route, specifically Radstone and Chipping Warden. If you are worried about HS2 and how it will affect you or if you have a specific case that you would like me to raise with the Minister please email me. We continue to have the bi-monthly HS2 Liaison Committee update for all affected parishes and residents.
I was pleased that the Chipping Warden Relief Road finally opened this year. This has been a result of many years of hard work by local residents, local Councillors and my own Parliamentary team to make the case at the HS2 select committee hearings as well as to keep the project on track over subsequent years.
Strategic Rail Freight Interchange: throughout the year there has been constructive dialogue with Segro and local residents, with regular updates on the project through a series of virtual meetings. Whilst the community did not want this interchange, it has been encouraging to see how the developers have sought to minimise the impact on the local community and the ring road for Roade will be a very welcome improvement for the village.
Development around Towcester: I have been contacted by many residents with serious concerns about planning applications in and around Towcester. These include DHL, Podium and IM. Following a public meeting held on 16th December, I will be considering the most effective way forward to represent the views of residents and seek action to protect Towcester's unique characteristics and natural environment.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and this is also true when it comes to driving forward the work of the Early Years Healthy Development Review!
The 25th March was a landmark day for all those who are determined to ensure that every baby gets the best start for life. We marked the release of the Review’s report with an official launch with the Prime Minister at the Monkey Puzzle Nursery in Greenford, London. We also held an online event, supported by the Centre for Social Justice.
You can read the full report here.
The work of the Start for Life unit was successful in securing £500 million of new funding in the Spending Review.
This significant financial package will be transformational for the early years – it will enable many more parents and carers to have access to the support and services that they need.
I have spoken in debates, statements and urgent questions on behalf of South Northamptonshire and its constituents consistently throughout the year on a variety of topics including health and social care, COVID restrictions and our recovery post the pandemic. I have responded to over 1000 Coronavirus concerns and over 6500 casework queries.
I also participated in the Westminster Hall debate on HS2, as well as the debates on the Queen's Speech and the Budget and Spending Review.
To watch my contributions please subscribe to my YouTube channel.
If you have any questions or queries or need help on a specific issue please call my constituency office on 01327 353124 or email me at andrea.leadsom.mp@parliament.uk.
Best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2022!