Dame Andrea Leadsom

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The Energy White Paper

Keeping the lights on whilst we transform power generation is no small task, but the UK is leading the way in changing how we power the grid. In 2019, renewable energy sources provided more electricity to UK homes and businesses than fossil fuels for the first time.  Not only that, but thanks to our commitment to getting coal off the system entirely, in 2019 we also experienced our first coal free fortnight.  These are fantastic achievements that we should be proud of, but there is much more to be done.

Whilst I was Secretary of State for BEIS, we added 6GW of clean energy to the grid to be delivered by 2025. This is enough to power over 7 million homes at record low costs.  Offshore wind plays a critical part in UK power generation and is expected to deliver at least a third of our electricity by 2030.  

The much anticipated Energy White Paper, due to be published in March this year, will set out how we can change the grid to accommodate new connections, as well as the potential pathways  to achieving our Net Zero target, setting out the routes to doubling electricity generation to meet the huge, expected hike in demand as we decarbonise everything from transport to industry, to homes and buildings. The questions around the subsidy basis for clean energy, as well as how to minimise the impact of grid infrastructure on local communities are all key considerations.  The plans for new nuclear, including SMRs, will be set out, as well as our intentions for CCUS, and hydrogen.  It is my hope that the clarity of the White Paper will give business the certainty it needs to invest.