Nene Valley Rotary Club

I had the pleasure last Thursday of speaking at the Rotary Club of Nene Valley at the kind invitation of Richard Poynter.
I am a firm supporter of the Rotary Club, which is one of the world's largest and most successful global membership and humanitarian service organisations, with 1.2 million members in over 200 countries. There are over 47,000 members in over 1,700 clubs in Great Britain and Ireland volunteering their time and talents to tackle challenges at home and abroad in Rotary’s cause areas:
· Promoting Peace
· Fighting Disease
· Providing Clean Water
· Supporting Education
· Saving Mothers and Children
· Growing Local Economies
It was a delightful evening, and I was pleased to be able to talk to Rotary members about what’s going on in Westminster, my new role as Business Secretary and the opportunities I see for UK Plc ahead of us, and of course Brexit.
My thanks to Neil Hufton, President of Nene Valley Rotary Club, and all those who kindly hosted me for the evening.
You can find out more about Nene Valley Rotary on their website, and I would absolutely encourage people to get in touch with them if you are interested in joining!