Wootton Park School

It was a pleasure last Friday to visit Wootton Park School, an all-through school which opened in Northampton in September 2016, to speak to their Phase One and Phase Two students.
I’ve visited Wootton Park School several times since it opened, and I am always hugely impressed with the staff’s dedication in doing everything they can to ensure that every child reaches his or her full potential, and with how much all of the students enjoy being there. The school has a strongly positive atmosphere, and I know from speaking to parents on the doorstep just how satisfied they are.
With the younger students in Phase One, we had a great chat about career options and I spoke about why, as a young 13-year old school girl, I had decided I wanted to become an MP. I was also very touched with the lovely birthday card and cake that Phase One presented me with, very kind of all the students – the likeness of me on the front of the card is uncanny! 😊
With the Phase Two students we had a wide-ranging Q&A, and I am always thoroughly impressed with the depth and breadth of knowledge that our young people have about the issues of the day. The questions are never easy (and nor should they be!) but I always enjoy the opportunity to answer as many as I can.
Thank you to everyone at WPS for giving me such a warm welcome, and I wish you all the very best for the end of the school year and a well-deserved summer break.