Rail Central Deferred

The Planning Inspectorate has written to all Interested Parties regarding the application by Ashfield Land for its Rail Central strategic rail freight interchange to inform that it is minded to grant a delay to the start of the examination period and to the setting of a date for the Preliminary Meeting.
You can read a copy of the letter from Elizabeth Hill, Lead Member of the Examining Authority, here and I note that she is quite clear there needs to be more detail as to progress on the work required for the material change cited by Ashfield Land as the reason for a delay.
There are four new ‘milestones’ set by the ExA where Ashfield Land must give sufficient details to provide evidence of this progress, ahead of a potential Preliminary Meeting on the 10th December. I will be following whether these milestones are reached closely, and will continue to make clear the concerns of local residents over any further slippage.
This does, of course, mean that the Preliminary Meeting for Rail Central will fall after the decision by the Secretary of State on the Northampton Gateway application, which will almost certainly have an impact on the viability of Rail Central however he decides.
As ever, please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance on this or any other matter.