Northampton Gateway Update

The Planning Inspectorate’s examination process for the proposed Northampton Gateway strategic rail freight interchange is now nearly complete, with final comments and submissions on Roxhill’s draft development consent order being sought by the Examining Authority by the 5th April.
A decision is due by the 9th April on whether PINS will be recommending to the Secretary of State to grant or not grant the DCO. The local community has done an excellent job in ensuring its views are heard on this, and I would pay tribute to the work of everyone involved in the local action groups.
I have done everything I can in the last three years to support residents in objecting to the SRFI, having written many letters and emails, attended dozens of meetings, and responded at every opportunity to the formal examination process. Tommy appeared on my behalf most recently at one of the issue specific hearings in March, and I have written a final letter to the Examining Authority to thank them for their careful consideration of the proposals and to reiterate my constituents’ concerns about the project.
As with many others, I wait with interest for the ExA’s decision, and will continue to follow this closely.
On the other proposed SRFI – Ashfield Land’s Rail Central – a request has been made by the applicant to defer the start of that examination process, and PINS is currently considering this. I will continue to meet with Ashfield Land in the interim to understand more about their proposals, and I will update residents in due course.
As ever, if you have specific questions or concerns about either SRFI please do get in touch.