Tree Top Way Update

After the news earlier in the year that the Tree Top Way in Salcey Forest had been temporarily but immediately closed due to safety concerns, I have been following the matter closely on behalf of the tens of thousands of local residents who have signed the petition to reopen the TTW as soon as possible.
On Friday, contractors engaged by Forest Enterprise England were on site to assess the structural repair work that would need to be undertaken to make the TTW safe. My office has spoken with FEE’s District Recreation Manager for our area, and my understanding is that they are still working up costings for the various options for the future management of the TTW.
The contractors at work, Clixbys, were there as a continuation of this process.
FEE has an internal meeting in a few weeks to review the outcomes of their costing exercises, and I am hopeful that we will hear a (positive) decision on the future of the TTW shortly thereafter.
I will provide a further update when I hear more.