Christmas Card Competition

My annual Christmas card competition is underway, and we have just over a week to go until the deadline for entries. Last year’s competition was, as always, a huge success with lots of wonderful entries. I would be absolutely delighted to receive entries from my youngest constituents!
In the past, schools have held their own contest to select who should represent the school in the final round however, if you prefer, you can send in a few direct entries too.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 10th November in order to give me and my team (of elves) the chance to judge the winner and runners-up in time for the cards to be printed. I would be grateful if all entries could be posted to my constituency office via:
- The Rt Hon. Andrea Leadsom MP, 1 Victoria House, 138 Watling Street East, Towcester, NN12 6BT
As well as being printed on my own Christmas cards, the winning pictures will also be displayed on my website and at The Old Fire Station in Brackley. The winnings students will also be invited to a small celebration with me locally!
I’m looking forward to seeing your fantastic designs from across South Northamptonshire!