Dame Andrea Leadsom

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Second Reading - EU Withdrawal Bill

By a margin of 326 to 290, the Commons last night voted to approve the Second Reading of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill, a huge victory for the democratic process in this country and for the millions of voters who voted to take back control in the June 2016 EU Referendum. I am delighted to have been one of the majority of MPs who passed through the Aye Lobby and ratified once again the will of the people last June; we are one step closer to our final departure at the end of the Article 50 process.

I was pleased that 7 Labour MPs joined us in supporting the Government last night. I commend these Opposition Members for their bravery in standing up to Jeremy Corbyn and his frontbench’s constant flip-flopping on their position on Brexit.

We now move to the Committee Stage where the Bill will be considered by a Committee of the Whole House, allowing for line-by-line scrutiny. As a strong voice for the Leave campaign last year, I look forward to us reaching the Third Reading soon and sending the Bill to the House of Lords for their approval.