Youth Survey (Under 21)
On the 7th May last year I made a commitment to everyone in South Northamptonshire, the constituency that I am proud to represent in the House of Commons, that I would work to improve sports and leisure facilities.
I want to hear from my younger constituents on what your priorities are for your local area. What facilities and activities would you like to see improved in your village or town?
It is absolutely vital that young voices in South Northamptonshire are heard in the debate over services and spending, and I do hope that you take the opportunity to let me know what changes you want for your local area. If you are aged 21 or under please do take a moment to complete my survey which can be returned by post to Andrea Leadsom MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA or emailed to me via
I will review the responses that I receive and will use this data to push for the improvements you have asked for, whether this be from your local council or central government.
You can download a .pdf of the survey here: Youth Survey
You can also follow me on Twitter or keep up-to-date via my Facebook page.
Remember my office can offer support at each stage!
If you need help with finding sources of funding or you need a letter of support to accompany a funding application, please email me for further information.
Good luck :)