Submission to Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee inquiry on High Speed 2

In November 2015, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) published its "Report of the results of an investigation into a complaint about High Speed 2 Ltd (HS2 Ltd)". The investigation looked at HS2 Ltd's communication and engagement with a particular group of residents, including how it had handled complaints. It found that "overall HS2 Ltd's actions fell below the reasonable standards we would expect, so much so that they constituted maladministration." The report made several recommendations about the steps HS2 Ltd should take to put matters right and to improve its service.
The House of Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) is conducting a short inquiry on these issues and invites written evidence on:
- The quality and content of the PHSO's report;
- The quality of HS2 Ltd's communication and engagement with residents who may be affected by HS2;
- The way in which HS2 Ltd deals with complaints about its engagement with residents;
- Ways in which HS2 Ltd could improve its communication and engagement with residents who may be affected by HS2;
- Ways in which HS2 Ltd could improve its complaint handling procedures.
I have sent a written submission to PACAC and you can view this here.