HS2 Motion Next Week

I just wanted to flag with those affected by HS2 that there will be a motion on HS2 before Parliament next week. The full text of the motion is below.
The motion is to allow for 'additional provisions' to become part of the HS2 project. This means that changes which petitioners have asked for, which the HS2 Select Committee have suggested and which HS2 Ltd. have agreed to make, can take place.
This is a largely uncontroversial process and a similar motion came before the House of Commons towards the end of the last Parliament. It is likely that the motion will pass without any vote taking place, however, in the event there is a vote, I wanted to let you know that I will support the motion as it allows for measures that constituents have petitioned on and want to see happen to become part of the plans. This is not an opportunity to consider the principle of the HS2 project.
The motion being considered can be read here.