Visit With Year Six At Caroline Chisholm
Now that the dust has begun to settle following the election, I was delighted to get back to some of my normal visits around the constituency. On Friday I had the pleasure of calling in at Caroline Chisholm School in Northampton to talk with Year Six and to help with their studies thinking about the 'laws of the land'.
I explained the role of an MP, how the Government makes laws in Parliament and the issues and problems the Government looks to address and how this affects our everyday lives. I was then happy to answer some insightful and thoughtful questions from the students. We discussed many issues including why I am a Conservative and how Party politics works in Westminster to whether I had met David Cameron and what we all thought about MPs pay!
Visiting schools in our area and speaking with students is definitely one of the main highlights of being an MP. I am always impressed with the understanding and engagement of our young people and was delighted that, when asked, a lot of Year Six said they would like to consider a career in politics! I certainly hope their enthusiasm continues.