My Ambitions for South Northamptonshire
Since I was selected as the Conservative candidate for South Northants nine years ago, and as MP here since 2010, I have met literally thousands of people - on their doorsteps, at my surgeries, at schools, at businesses and at charities - so I have a pretty good idea of many of the priorities for local residents, and it's quite a list! These are my top 'ambitions' for South Northants and if I am the MP after May 7, they will be my early 'to do' list with lots of other local priorities besides...
- Potholes to be better repaired
- Planning applications to be decided more locally, taking into account the wishes of the local community
- Broadband to be rolled out across South Northants
- Proper compensation and mitigation for those affected by HS2
- No more wind farms!
- Real progress to be made on the relief road for Towcester
- Outpatient medical services provided in both Brackley and Towcester
- Solution to the dangerous congestion on A422 at Farthinghoe
- Protect the green spaces surrounding Northampton
- Full employment in South Northamptonshire
- Improved sports and leisure facilities for young people
- More volunteering and support for vulnerable people, including for the wonderful NorPIP, a charity I set up to help new families.
- Keep supporting Northampton Saints... COYS!
As an MP, I don't have a magic wand to make things happen. But if I'm elected I will do my best for you every day.

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