Dame Andrea Leadsom

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1001 Critical Days Relaunch

I was delighted to attend this week’s Parliamentary relaunch of the 1001 Critical Days Manifesto, hosted by Tim Loughton MP and facilitated by the charity Parent Infant Partnership (PIP) UK. In my role as founder of both the 1001 campaign and of PIP UK, I got the opportunity to thank everyone involved for their tireless work to provide every baby with the best start in life, and reiterate the importance to society of such a secure foundation.

Running since 2013, the 1001 critical days campaign began with the publication of the 1001 Critical Days manifesto which highlighted the vital importance of the conception to age two period. A record number of MPs from all sides of the House have added their support to the campaign and I am so pleased with the momentum that now exists both in politics and among healthcare professionals. The main sponsors now include former Children’s Minister and Conservative MP Tim Loughton, Labour MP Frank Field, former Minister for Mental Health Liberal Democrat MP Norman Lamb, Green MP Caroline Lucas, as well as representatives from the SNP, Plaid, SDLP, and the DUP.