Collingtree Smart Motorway Update

Residents of Collingtree have been in contact with me to raise their grave concerns about the smart motorway works on the M1, specifically the extensive tree felling that has been taking place.
Last week, Highways England virtually met with me and local representatives to hear their concerns surrounding the increased noise levels and the lack of mitigation to protect the village.
It has been agreed that Highways England will provide me with further information, including an assessment of the current situation detailing the noise levels, timeframe of work and what measures are in place to mitigate noise disruption on a temporary basis. They will also provide an update on the assessment of the cumulative impact on noise and air quality on Collingtree as a result of the new Segro development that is planned to start very soon, and the prospects for combining any HE budgets with those of Segro for mitigation that will achieve the best possible outcome for Collingtree residents.
Additionally, Highways England will provide an assessment of the permanent impact of the smart motorway on noise and air pollution as well as green areas in the vicinity of Collingtree, and the measures that can be taken to ensure that not only is the impact of the smart motorway and the Segro development fully mitigated, but that there is an improvement for Collingtree residents on the pre-existing unacceptable levels.
As a result of the positive discussion, the following action points were agreed with Highways England representatives:
Highways England to visit Collingtree and undertake a new noise reading as soon as possible,
Highways England to look at potential funding for noise mitigation across lanes 1-4 of the M1 with a view to improvement work on all lanes carried out at the same time,
Highways England to provide documentation of its previous consultation correspondence with local residents dating back to 2017,
Highways England to report on the viability of improving temporary noise mitigation – for example, a permanent concrete fence fixed in the ground,
Highways England to liaise with SEGRO about support they can offer to reduce noise in the area due to their upcoming strategic rail freight interchange development.
I will update constituents when I have received further information from Highways England. As ever, if you have any specific concerns please contact me directly at