June's Banbury Guardian Column

The last stage of the lifting of coronavirus restrictions is near at hand, and I know for most of us, it cannot come soon enough. The Covid vaccination rollout has been a fantastic success, and if you have been called to receive your jab, please do book your appointment!
Individuals in the 30+ age bracket are now able to book their jab at a larger vaccination centre or a pharmacy that offers the service. For further information and to book your appointment visit: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/coronavirus-vaccine/. You can also call 119. In our local area, updates on the programme can be found by visiting: https://www.northamptonshireccg.nhs.uk/
Several constituents have been in contact with me regarding the proposals for the Land West of Brackley site. The developers Ashfield Land and Vulpes Land, have now formally submitted a planning application to West Northamptonshire Council and a statutory consultation will be undertaken. The proposal consists of plans to build a mix of approximately 700 new homes and connect the development back into the town, with a specific new road access onto the A422. It also provides new green spaces, footpaths, cyclepaths and allotments. I know there are many Brackley residents who have been on the waiting list for an allotment for years who will be pleased to see the new provision! Specific information on the proposal and its plans can be viewed here: https://www.landwestofbrackley.co.uk. If you would like to contribute your views then head to https://snc.planning-register.co.uk/ and enter planning reference number WNS/2021/0492/EIA.
Constituents in our local area continue to raise concerns about HS2, and I have raised a number of complaints directly with HS2 and the HS2 Minister. If you are specifically affected by the ongoing HS2 works or have a question that you would like me to raise then please email me on andrea.leadsom.mp@parliament.uk – I would be happy to seek an answer on your behalf.