Dame Andrea Leadsom

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The Roadmap to Net Zero

Transport, business and industry, power generation, home heating, agriculture.  Every sector, whether public or private, needs to fundamentally change its habits if we are to achieve our Net Zero by 2050 target.

We are rightly ambitious in our plans and I believe there is a huge early mover advantage in focusing our efforts on building Green Tech in the UK, and particularly (from a geographical perspective) on the the Industrial Clusters in the North of England, in Wales and in Scotland.  Today there are 450,000 ‘green collar’ jobs - if we play our cards right, this could be two million or more by 2030, with the prospects for new skills, better paid jobs, and an even spread of growing prosperity right across the country.

In BEIS we produced a ‘roadmap to net zero’ that sets out industry by industry a timetable for producing decarbonisation plans, so that by COP 26 in Glasgow this November, businesses, innovators and the public will have a clear idea of the direction of how we will reach Net Zero.