Dame Andrea Leadsom

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Broadband Success at Grange Park

It was welcome news indeed to hear that the roll out of superfast broadband at Grange Park is being delivered ahead of schedule, with the first 70 properties being able to take advantage of the new speeds some six months ahead of Northamptonshire County Council's original projections. This means that the delivery of superfast broadband at Grange Park, in partnership with BT Openreach, is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

It is vital for the towns and villages in South Northamptonshire that the roll out of superfast broadband across the area continues unabashed, and I am pleased that we are on track this to deliver 90 per cent of premises by the start of the New Year. There are over 50,000 properties locally that are now connected to superfast broadband, with Superfast Northamptonshire being one of the top performing projects of its kind anywhere in the country.

Whilst we have made some significant headway at Grange Park, now is not the time to take our foot off the gas! I am continuing to work with local residents and businesses to flag any "not-spots" in our community to Superfast Northamptonshire and BT Openreach, and I would encourage any constituent to get in touch with my office to discuss how we may help. My Parliamentary Assistant, Tommy Gilchrist, would be pleased to offer his assistance and may be reached via tommy.gilchrist@parliament.uk.